Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Sermon I wish I would have Preached...

"What God has made clean, you must not call profane."

If we wanted a theme for today, this verse would do nicely, I think. Whether it is a Gentile Roman soldier or a whole dinner menu previously prohibited to Jews by Torah, God can decide if he will change the rules and now call it clean. This reversal can either seem capricious, if one has a certain view of God that inclines to the suspicious, or it can be seen as a generous next step in God's plan to renew the world following the resurrection.

If God can overcome death, then surely he can overcome cultural and religious divides between humans...

Full sermon at Mad Padre's blog clicking here

Monday, May 7, 2012

Paraphrasing Benedict XVI

The Christian Faith 
is not a listing of prohibitions, 
but rather a field guide 
to living in God's loving 
and all-embracing "Yes".

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Prayer for the Abundance of Love, Grace, and Patience in the Body of Christ

   Dear God, you have told us – your children – that you have set your mind in never ceasing doing us good come what it may. We thank you for your everlasting mercy, your enduring grace, and your forbearing love even at such times when in our impatience, pride, and narrow-mindedness we grieve our brothers and sisters– those whom you love as dearly as you do love us. As you continue making all things new in your Creation by the working of your Spirit, we pray that you may renew our hearts and minds, and you may open the eyes of our understanding so that we may see and hold dear each one of our brothers and sisters as you see and hold us dear in your beloved Son, Jesus, your Christ. Amen.