Comparto aquí mis ideas y también incluyo los pensamientos de otras personas. En cuanto a mis propias contribuciones, generalmente me porto bien y "soy un chico bueno." Pero ¡atención! A veces me gusta tirarle piedras a las vacas sagradas o "quemarme" criticando o aplaudiendo posiciones que no son muy populares... Ah... me olvidaba... a veces incorporo material ya sea en inglés o español o lo que venga...
So, please, do not give me any grief!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
La Verdad os hará Libres...
La Verdad os hará Libres (Juan 8:32)
Estas palabras de Jesús, inscritas en el emblema de la Comunión Anglicana, de alguna manera orientan e iluminan la obra, el ministerio y el testimonio de la Iglesia Anglicana.
Jesús se proclamó a sí mismo como “el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida” (Juan 14:6). De manera que la mejor perspectiva o materialización de la libertad se encuentra en el testimonio de la propia vida de Jesús de Nazaret. Y, obviamente, aunque Jesús nunca tuvo que enfrentarse a la problemática de la vida moderna, sin embargo, su orientación, su vida y su verdad nos pueden orientar en los momentos más cruciales de nuestra vida personal, social o comunitaria. El vivir según los pasos del Redentor es, en consecuencia, el vivir en “la libertad de los hijos de Dios” (Romanos 8:21).
Los anglicanos nunca consideran que la libertad pueda o deba ser delimitada minuciosamente o dificultada de alguna forma. Si la libertad conoce un límite, el mismo se encuentra en la vulneración de la libertad del prójimo o de la sociedad. Cuando se coarta la libertad del prójimo o se cercenan sus derechos sin el debido actuar de una justicia íntegra, transparente, e independiente de presiones ajenas a su propio ejercicio, se subvierten los principios, dignidades y derechos más fundamentales que les caben a todos los seres humanos. Ninguna ideología o programa de gobierno, por más altruista que sea puede o debe coartar los principios de la justicia y la libertad individual o corporativa. No hay mejor resumen político sobre el tema que el pronunciamiento de José Artigas, el prócer uruguayo: “Con libertad, no ofendo ni temo.”
Precisamente, a la justicia le cabe un papel preponderante en la defensa de la libertad. Por ello, cuando la administración de justicia se corrompe mediante alianzas extrañas e incompatibles con sus funciones más legítimas, es decir, cuando “el derecho se convierte en amargura y cuando la justicia queda en el suelo” (Amós 5:7), sus mismos actores quedan bajo el juicio y la condena divina. Es necesario recalcar que Dios, quien “juzga justamente” (1 Pedro 2:23), no puede ser engañado y su justicia nunca queda “archivada,” o sus expedientes “perdidos.”
En esta semana en que celebraremos el nacimiento de Jesús, quien ha establecido su trono de paz sobre las bases de la “justicia y el derecho” (Cf. Isaías 9) exhortamos a las autoridades nacionales, las autoridades judiciales y a todos los órganos públicos a recordar sus juramentos, obligaciones y responsabilidades, particularmente en la defensa de las libertades individuales y, muy precisamente, la libertad de prensa y expresión. Ciertas acciones puede redituar “puntos políticos” a corto plazo, pero, la historia de los pueblos comprueba que esta clase de accionar es inexorablemente mezquina y contraproducente pues no sólo se gobierna para el hoy, sino también para la historia. Y si bien se suele afirmar que “el mañana es hoy” no se debe olvidar que “el hoy es también el mañana.”
Estas palabras de Jesús, inscritas en el emblema de la Comunión Anglicana, de alguna manera orientan e iluminan la obra, el ministerio y el testimonio de la Iglesia Anglicana.
Jesús se proclamó a sí mismo como “el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida” (Juan 14:6). De manera que la mejor perspectiva o materialización de la libertad se encuentra en el testimonio de la propia vida de Jesús de Nazaret. Y, obviamente, aunque Jesús nunca tuvo que enfrentarse a la problemática de la vida moderna, sin embargo, su orientación, su vida y su verdad nos pueden orientar en los momentos más cruciales de nuestra vida personal, social o comunitaria. El vivir según los pasos del Redentor es, en consecuencia, el vivir en “la libertad de los hijos de Dios” (Romanos 8:21).
Los anglicanos nunca consideran que la libertad pueda o deba ser delimitada minuciosamente o dificultada de alguna forma. Si la libertad conoce un límite, el mismo se encuentra en la vulneración de la libertad del prójimo o de la sociedad. Cuando se coarta la libertad del prójimo o se cercenan sus derechos sin el debido actuar de una justicia íntegra, transparente, e independiente de presiones ajenas a su propio ejercicio, se subvierten los principios, dignidades y derechos más fundamentales que les caben a todos los seres humanos. Ninguna ideología o programa de gobierno, por más altruista que sea puede o debe coartar los principios de la justicia y la libertad individual o corporativa. No hay mejor resumen político sobre el tema que el pronunciamiento de José Artigas, el prócer uruguayo: “Con libertad, no ofendo ni temo.”
Precisamente, a la justicia le cabe un papel preponderante en la defensa de la libertad. Por ello, cuando la administración de justicia se corrompe mediante alianzas extrañas e incompatibles con sus funciones más legítimas, es decir, cuando “el derecho se convierte en amargura y cuando la justicia queda en el suelo” (Amós 5:7), sus mismos actores quedan bajo el juicio y la condena divina. Es necesario recalcar que Dios, quien “juzga justamente” (1 Pedro 2:23), no puede ser engañado y su justicia nunca queda “archivada,” o sus expedientes “perdidos.”
En esta semana en que celebraremos el nacimiento de Jesús, quien ha establecido su trono de paz sobre las bases de la “justicia y el derecho” (Cf. Isaías 9) exhortamos a las autoridades nacionales, las autoridades judiciales y a todos los órganos públicos a recordar sus juramentos, obligaciones y responsabilidades, particularmente en la defensa de las libertades individuales y, muy precisamente, la libertad de prensa y expresión. Ciertas acciones puede redituar “puntos políticos” a corto plazo, pero, la historia de los pueblos comprueba que esta clase de accionar es inexorablemente mezquina y contraproducente pues no sólo se gobierna para el hoy, sino también para la historia. Y si bien se suele afirmar que “el mañana es hoy” no se debe olvidar que “el hoy es también el mañana.”
Monday, November 28, 2011
A Wise Remark about the Christian Life
Mark Wise, commenting about the Washington Redskins believes the way to deal with the team's "annus horribilis" boils down to (...)"tolerance — accepting huge warts and flaws and trying to
fathom that little, tiny light at the end of a long, dark tunnel." Wise words!
If anything, the Christian life requires the same kind of tolerance to all our warts and faults. Tolerance doesn't mean having a welcoming attitude towards our warts and faults. No. It rather is the attitude of humble acceptance of the human condition. "Seven times I have prayed" complained Paul about his own sufferings. But eventually he had no other choice than to accept God's grace to keep him going rather than deliverance of his torment.
I guess that we will make more progress towards the light at the end of the tunnel if we husband our energy into keep on keeping on, rather than fighting the darkness around us... or even within.
If anything, the Christian life requires the same kind of tolerance to all our warts and faults. Tolerance doesn't mean having a welcoming attitude towards our warts and faults. No. It rather is the attitude of humble acceptance of the human condition. "Seven times I have prayed" complained Paul about his own sufferings. But eventually he had no other choice than to accept God's grace to keep him going rather than deliverance of his torment.
I guess that we will make more progress towards the light at the end of the tunnel if we husband our energy into keep on keeping on, rather than fighting the darkness around us... or even within.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Breaking News: Super-Committee reaches deal ten days ahead of deadline.
Toomey (R): “The kind of reform we're talking about is actually guaranteed to create millions of jobs over time and also bring more revenue.”
Clyburn (D): “I believe that all of the ingredients for a good resolution” are included in the plan.
November 13, 2011
Washington (Lalaland News) – Despite gloomy remarks during the regular Sunday talk shows, the whole committee gathered today in a rare Sunday session to iron out some of the last details of a wide-ranging plan to increase revenue, create jobs, and reduce short and long term deficit reduction. Though information is still sketchy, the sweeping plan will require the cooperation of the European Community and other Asian trading partners. The deal included sensitive conversations with Prime Ministers and Heads of Government, and it is expected that the plan will receive the necessary approval.
Far-reaching outsourcing plan is key to modernization of America
Germany will take over Treasury. The plan’s cornerstone tentatively dubbed “Re-birthed America” relies extensively in outsourcing key government areas. Under the agreement friendly governments will run different departments of the federal government. Under the agreement, Germany would take over the Treasury Department. Under the plan, the Euro will eventually replace the Dollar, as the European currency notes are cheaper to produce, and are much less prone to counterfeiting. The traditionally efficient Germans will take over the functions of the Department. The cost-benefits will be almost immediate, as thousand of federal workers will be laid off. “Imagine the savings … We need to cut at least 50% of the Federal employees” and the plan would accomplish it painlessly, said a prominent Republican. The savings, after paying severance and other benefits to fired workers will reduce expenditures, increase the value of currency, and will curtail the free-spending habits of the Federal government. Among the Republicans in the Super-Committee there was a shared feeling– “We need a good German Dominatrix to run Treasury. Let's hope Angela will accept the challenge”.
Justice and HHS will be moved to China. With their novel and demonstrated expertise in managing large prison population and a proven reputation in reducing waiting time for patients in need of transplants, China is the ideal partner. Without given to many details as last-minute negotiations are still going on, China will take over the DoJ and HUD. The American prison population will be granted honorary Chinese citizenship, and the BofP would be run as "Chinese Sovereign Inland Territories” – with no oversight of the local, State, or Federal Government, more or less in the same way that American corporations run “maquiladoras” in Central America and other Asian nations. The Chinese will accept a 50% cut on the American sovereign debt as part of the exchange. The newly freed citizens would work in model factories, producing everything from tennis shoes to satellites for the CIA and other government agencies. "It is a win-win situation", said Col. Ciao Fun. "The American people is freed from the expense of maintaining a large prison population, will receive goods at substantially reduce prices, and eventually, we will be able to reduce the unspeakable American waiting times for organ donations from hundreds and even thousands of days to just a couple of hours!” Sheriff Arpaio, the appointed liaison with the Chinese government was thrilled– "They will have to sew their own pink underwear and to top it off, they will have to watch The Weather Channel in Chinese!" As part of the deal, and at Republican’s insistence, The DoJ building and The Supreme Court buildings will be sold to pay off the federal debt, and the few federal workers still remaining will be transferred to Guam, as to enable close cooperation with China.
Japanese will run ED. The Japanese government will start running the Education Department and County-based schools. 98% of 15 year-old middle-school graduates go on to high schools or private specialist institutions. A high-school diploma is a considered the minimum for the most basic jobs in Japanese societies. The rate of students who advance on to senior high schools was 97.0% in 2002. The rate of students who went on to universities and junior colleges was 44.8 %. Mathematical literacy in Japanese education is rated first among 27 other world educational systems, and Science is rated second. Of course, opposition is expected among teachers, as foreign education is usually dismissed as second-rate to the American system.
Other movements. Peace is in the making, said a Democratic member of the Super-Committee. As part of the deal, Israel, in cooperation with the Palestinian Authority will take over the Housing Department. Currently empty housing would be sold for a nominal price to Palestinians evicted from their homeland since 1977, while other properties will be sold to the booming Israeli population. The move will freeze the continued building of kibbutz and occupying even more scarce land. Thus housing needs and secure borders will be attained and, at the same time, the move into the houses repossessed by banks and other financial institutions will bring them back to profitability. “The banks and the federal government would be freed of the financial burden, the housing market will re-bound and the construction industry will be revived in short term, offering jobs to millions of fired federal workers” reads the draft report of the Super Committee. As part of the deal, major banks have agreed to start offering cheap mortgages all over again, so in time, a new batch of new housing would become vacant, and the cycle would start all over again, generating more profits for banks and other financial institutions.
Side deals. As part of the landmark agreement, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, the charismatic Argentinean president recently re-elected with 54% of the votes in a landslide election, will be offered the presidency of the Democratic Party. During the last G-20 meeting in Cannes, president Obama quipped, "We need to learn something from her." With the deal, Obama's wish may come true. In a similar deal, the recently resigned Italian Primer Minister Silvio Berlusconi will be offered the job of running the GOP. "Forza Gnocca" is Berlusconi battle cry, and he feels it will match the traditional feelings of many republicans. Finally, it is expected that the NBA will be turned over to President Ahmadinejab, and the Endowment for the Arts and NPR will be turned over to President Chavez of Venezuela- "Let us take care of the business" said the mercurial president.
Clyburn (D): “I believe that all of the ingredients for a good resolution” are included in the plan.
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The co-chairs of the Super Committee happily sign off on the deal |
November 13, 2011
Washington (Lalaland News) – Despite gloomy remarks during the regular Sunday talk shows, the whole committee gathered today in a rare Sunday session to iron out some of the last details of a wide-ranging plan to increase revenue, create jobs, and reduce short and long term deficit reduction. Though information is still sketchy, the sweeping plan will require the cooperation of the European Community and other Asian trading partners. The deal included sensitive conversations with Prime Ministers and Heads of Government, and it is expected that the plan will receive the necessary approval.
Far-reaching outsourcing plan is key to modernization of America
Germany will take over Treasury. The plan’s cornerstone tentatively dubbed “Re-birthed America” relies extensively in outsourcing key government areas. Under the agreement friendly governments will run different departments of the federal government. Under the agreement, Germany would take over the Treasury Department. Under the plan, the Euro will eventually replace the Dollar, as the European currency notes are cheaper to produce, and are much less prone to counterfeiting. The traditionally efficient Germans will take over the functions of the Department. The cost-benefits will be almost immediate, as thousand of federal workers will be laid off. “Imagine the savings … We need to cut at least 50% of the Federal employees” and the plan would accomplish it painlessly, said a prominent Republican. The savings, after paying severance and other benefits to fired workers will reduce expenditures, increase the value of currency, and will curtail the free-spending habits of the Federal government. Among the Republicans in the Super-Committee there was a shared feeling– “We need a good German Dominatrix to run Treasury. Let's hope Angela will accept the challenge”.
Justice and HHS will be moved to China. With their novel and demonstrated expertise in managing large prison population and a proven reputation in reducing waiting time for patients in need of transplants, China is the ideal partner. Without given to many details as last-minute negotiations are still going on, China will take over the DoJ and HUD. The American prison population will be granted honorary Chinese citizenship, and the BofP would be run as "Chinese Sovereign Inland Territories” – with no oversight of the local, State, or Federal Government, more or less in the same way that American corporations run “maquiladoras” in Central America and other Asian nations. The Chinese will accept a 50% cut on the American sovereign debt as part of the exchange. The newly freed citizens would work in model factories, producing everything from tennis shoes to satellites for the CIA and other government agencies. "It is a win-win situation", said Col. Ciao Fun. "The American people is freed from the expense of maintaining a large prison population, will receive goods at substantially reduce prices, and eventually, we will be able to reduce the unspeakable American waiting times for organ donations from hundreds and even thousands of days to just a couple of hours!” Sheriff Arpaio, the appointed liaison with the Chinese government was thrilled– "They will have to sew their own pink underwear and to top it off, they will have to watch The Weather Channel in Chinese!" As part of the deal, and at Republican’s insistence, The DoJ building and The Supreme Court buildings will be sold to pay off the federal debt, and the few federal workers still remaining will be transferred to Guam, as to enable close cooperation with China.
Japanese will run ED. The Japanese government will start running the Education Department and County-based schools. 98% of 15 year-old middle-school graduates go on to high schools or private specialist institutions. A high-school diploma is a considered the minimum for the most basic jobs in Japanese societies. The rate of students who advance on to senior high schools was 97.0% in 2002. The rate of students who went on to universities and junior colleges was 44.8 %. Mathematical literacy in Japanese education is rated first among 27 other world educational systems, and Science is rated second. Of course, opposition is expected among teachers, as foreign education is usually dismissed as second-rate to the American system.
Other movements. Peace is in the making, said a Democratic member of the Super-Committee. As part of the deal, Israel, in cooperation with the Palestinian Authority will take over the Housing Department. Currently empty housing would be sold for a nominal price to Palestinians evicted from their homeland since 1977, while other properties will be sold to the booming Israeli population. The move will freeze the continued building of kibbutz and occupying even more scarce land. Thus housing needs and secure borders will be attained and, at the same time, the move into the houses repossessed by banks and other financial institutions will bring them back to profitability. “The banks and the federal government would be freed of the financial burden, the housing market will re-bound and the construction industry will be revived in short term, offering jobs to millions of fired federal workers” reads the draft report of the Super Committee. As part of the deal, major banks have agreed to start offering cheap mortgages all over again, so in time, a new batch of new housing would become vacant, and the cycle would start all over again, generating more profits for banks and other financial institutions.
Side deals. As part of the landmark agreement, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, the charismatic Argentinean president recently re-elected with 54% of the votes in a landslide election, will be offered the presidency of the Democratic Party. During the last G-20 meeting in Cannes, president Obama quipped, "We need to learn something from her." With the deal, Obama's wish may come true. In a similar deal, the recently resigned Italian Primer Minister Silvio Berlusconi will be offered the job of running the GOP. "Forza Gnocca" is Berlusconi battle cry, and he feels it will match the traditional feelings of many republicans. Finally, it is expected that the NBA will be turned over to President Ahmadinejab, and the Endowment for the Arts and NPR will be turned over to President Chavez of Venezuela- "Let us take care of the business" said the mercurial president.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Et tu, CEN...
"The Church of England Newspaper (CEN) has no official status. I don't read
it and hadn't seen the original article on 28 October. Neither,
apparently, had the paper's editor who says he is too busy always to
read the stuff he publishes, but assures us that if he had, he would
have asked Craig to tone down his language a bit.
"I would defend, even on the beaches, the right of eccentrics to hold and publish their views, though I'd prefer them to read them first."
(Bishop Alan Wilson commenting on Mr Craig's kookudaliscious writings...)
"I would defend, even on the beaches, the right of eccentrics to hold and publish their views, though I'd prefer them to read them first."
(Bishop Alan Wilson commenting on Mr Craig's kookudaliscious writings...)
On leadership and Leadership
Christian leadership is the art of building channels for the Water of Life to flow freely and in the abundance our Savior promised. Good Christian leadership is about kindling the flickering flame and mending the bruised reed.
In a more broad sense, leadership is about making positive change and opening pathways, even at the risk of allowing people one may not like to come closer and pose challenging questions.
Wherever we are, we all are in a position of leadership- at church or at work; at home or at school... In the short run, people may applaud the skillfulness in destroying the opposition, or one's ability in having people to change their minds and, rather than to face a war of attrition, submit to the inevitable. Is that the way we operate as priests and politicians, husbands and wives, teachers and managers?
On the long run, if leadership is to be written with a capital "L" rather than being written off, it will be about bringing people together for the greater good, and enlarging people's imagination in such a way that the "my-way-or-the-highway" mindset is contentedly set aside and a life-giving "we are in this together" is embraced.
In a more broad sense, leadership is about making positive change and opening pathways, even at the risk of allowing people one may not like to come closer and pose challenging questions.
Wherever we are, we all are in a position of leadership- at church or at work; at home or at school... In the short run, people may applaud the skillfulness in destroying the opposition, or one's ability in having people to change their minds and, rather than to face a war of attrition, submit to the inevitable. Is that the way we operate as priests and politicians, husbands and wives, teachers and managers?
On the long run, if leadership is to be written with a capital "L" rather than being written off, it will be about bringing people together for the greater good, and enlarging people's imagination in such a way that the "my-way-or-the-highway" mindset is contentedly set aside and a life-giving "we are in this together" is embraced.
"A smoldering fire He will not put out" (Matthew 12:20) |
Here is a good questions for wannabe leaders...
Leaders have their own points of view, but how do they engage different
points of view, and how do they use language that’s inviting as opposed
to barrier building?
And we all are, up to a point, wannabes... right?
Bp Frank Griswold, in Faith and Leadership...
And we all are, up to a point, wannabes... right?
Bp Frank Griswold, in Faith and Leadership...
Monday, October 24, 2011
What we are missing...
... in America is this kind of attitude toward those who dissent from us on deeply held beliefs...
"I both expect and commend to you as those who may speak in the debate, as well as those who listen carefully to all the arguments and contributions, is serious and adult listening to one another, properly seeking to persuade but also alert to the impact of what we say on others because the issues are so deeply felt as well as believed. I want no one to leave this hall today feeling that they have been demonised or written out of the book of life. Even when we do not accord integrity to a specific point or argument, we must respect the integrity of the person who makes that argument on whatever side of the debate."
The Bishop of Ely, the Rt Rev. Stephen Conway, on his Presidential Address to his Synod.
(H/t to T19... Although I would tip my hat even more if this were the kind of attitude encouraged from the Blog admin and contributors alike!)
"I both expect and commend to you as those who may speak in the debate, as well as those who listen carefully to all the arguments and contributions, is serious and adult listening to one another, properly seeking to persuade but also alert to the impact of what we say on others because the issues are so deeply felt as well as believed. I want no one to leave this hall today feeling that they have been demonised or written out of the book of life. Even when we do not accord integrity to a specific point or argument, we must respect the integrity of the person who makes that argument on whatever side of the debate."
The Bishop of Ely, the Rt Rev. Stephen Conway, on his Presidential Address to his Synod.
(H/t to T19... Although I would tip my hat even more if this were the kind of attitude encouraged from the Blog admin and contributors alike!)
Friday, October 21, 2011
El Sembrador salió a sembrar...
La agricultura obliga a cultivar, antes que nada, una gran dosis de fe en condiciones climáticas, de mercado, etc. que prácticamente están fuera de todo control personal y aprender a vivir sabiendo de antemano que una parte del capital invertido en forma de tiempo, semilla y trabajo posiblemente no rendirá su fruto. ¿Seremos fieles sembradores frente a estos desafíos?
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El Cristo Sembrador |
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Our faith is...
Our faith is not just one of heavenly choirs singing sweetly from above and a God who speaks in a mix of platitudes and vague affirmations. This is a religion that is shockingly and graphically real. Embodied. Incarnational. Sacrificial. Messy.
Fr. Robert Hendrickson, in The Curate's Desk,
Saturday, October 15, 2011
El poder transformador de la oración
¿Por qué está orando el Espíritu en nuestros corazones? ¿Por qué se preocupa Dios?
Cuando llegamos a esa etapa de la madurez cristiana en la cual descubrimos que la oración es más que ordeñar al cielo en busca de respuestas de parte de un Dios tacaño que "se hace rogar", comenzaremos a descubrir que la oración en realidad comienza primero transformándonos a nosotros. El verdadero poder de la oración reside en descubrir en nosotros cómo el mismo Espíritu ora en nosotros. Cuanto más lleguemos a descubrir e interpretar la perspectiva y las preocupaciones divinas - es decir, cuanto más nos acerquemos al corazón de Dios - no sólo veremos que aquello que antes nos preocupaba nos es concedido "por añadidura" sino que iremos siendo transformados "de gloria en gloria" y tendremos el privilegio de compartir en nosotros "las aflicciones de Cristo."
"De la misma manera, también el Espíritu nos ayuda en nuestra debilidad; porque no sabemos orar como debiéramos, pero el Espíritu mismo intercede por nosotros con gemidos indecibles;y aquel que escudriña los corazones sabe cuál es el sentir del Espíritu, porque El intercede por los santos conforme a la voluntad de Dios" (Romanos 8:26-27).
Cuando llegamos a esa etapa de la madurez cristiana en la cual descubrimos que la oración es más que ordeñar al cielo en busca de respuestas de parte de un Dios tacaño que "se hace rogar", comenzaremos a descubrir que la oración en realidad comienza primero transformándonos a nosotros. El verdadero poder de la oración reside en descubrir en nosotros cómo el mismo Espíritu ora en nosotros. Cuanto más lleguemos a descubrir e interpretar la perspectiva y las preocupaciones divinas - es decir, cuanto más nos acerquemos al corazón de Dios - no sólo veremos que aquello que antes nos preocupaba nos es concedido "por añadidura" sino que iremos siendo transformados "de gloria en gloria" y tendremos el privilegio de compartir en nosotros "las aflicciones de Cristo."
"De la misma manera, también el Espíritu nos ayuda en nuestra debilidad; porque no sabemos orar como debiéramos, pero el Espíritu mismo intercede por nosotros con gemidos indecibles;y aquel que escudriña los corazones sabe cuál es el sentir del Espíritu, porque El intercede por los santos conforme a la voluntad de Dios" (Romanos 8:26-27).
La misión de Dios en Cristo
La misión de Dios en Cristo
Dios envía su Hijo al mundo para el propósito de la salvación y la vida eterna. La misión de comienza con la iniciativa de Dios caracterizada por la dádiva y el envío. Este envío es eficaz: se hace para lograr un cambio. Es decir que, sin el envío, el mundo carecerá de vida eterna y salvación. El Hijo no es enviado con un mensaje para asegurarnos que todo está como tiene que estar. El Hijo no es enviado para animar a que seamos buenas personas y a vivir de acuerdo con sus ideales inherentes. El Hijo hace su llegada como la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte. Dios envía al Hijo para que el mundo pueda encontrar el camino hacia Dios, de manera que el mundo pueda vivir en la presencia de Dios.
(God's Mission is the Eucharist, by the Rev. Dr. Ralph McMichael, in The Living Church, Jan 14, 2011)
Dios envía su Hijo al mundo para el propósito de la salvación y la vida eterna. La misión de comienza con la iniciativa de Dios caracterizada por la dádiva y el envío. Este envío es eficaz: se hace para lograr un cambio. Es decir que, sin el envío, el mundo carecerá de vida eterna y salvación. El Hijo no es enviado con un mensaje para asegurarnos que todo está como tiene que estar. El Hijo no es enviado para animar a que seamos buenas personas y a vivir de acuerdo con sus ideales inherentes. El Hijo hace su llegada como la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte. Dios envía al Hijo para que el mundo pueda encontrar el camino hacia Dios, de manera que el mundo pueda vivir en la presencia de Dios.
(God's Mission is the Eucharist, by the Rev. Dr. Ralph McMichael, in The Living Church, Jan 14, 2011)
Monday, October 10, 2011
Salmo 23
... en memoria de papá (Oct 8, 1906)
Versión de Gustavo A. Mansilla.
De aparcero a mi Dios tengo, con él naida me hay de faltar.
Si descanso necesito, poncho seguro me entriega.
Cuando sediento rondando ando, agua me hace encontrar;
Y cuando la noche oscura llega, “¡Aguante compañero!”
“Que junto a usté navego, facón en mano cargando.”
¡Quien me puede asustar, con este osado caminando!
Ni delante de enemigo o taimado postulante
Asado jugoso y tinto ¡cuándo me hay de faltar!
Y cuando el solano arrecie en tanto caminar,
Sombra y refriesco, yerba y mate contante,
Se sienta conmigo a tomar.
Ya lo he dicho y no me cansa, repetirlo sin parar,
Con este seguro aparcero, caminante y compañero,
Chubasco, sombra o muerte: ¡Que se vengan a arrimar!
Hasta el fin seguro ando, sin miedo de aiguantar.
On the scandal of litigation, threats, and other uncharitable acts and attitudes
The Bishop of Exeter, the Rt. Rev. Michael Langrish has written a about the Ordination of Women to the Episcopate in the Church of England. His wise words about the attitude of those finding themselves at opposite sides of the debate should be -- rather, must be -- considered in the wider context of the scandal of litigation, threats, and other uncharitable attitudes not only in The Episcopal Church, but in the Anglican Communion.
Rather to throw each other out of our Churches we should do well to think through this... If indeed God is speaking to us, and through us, in such a differentiated way, it must in some way have something to say to us about the nature of the church we are called to be and how that nature is to be expressed in our common life.
"One of the things that has most exercised me through this whole process, as I have wrestled with this subject, not least in my own prayers, is how deeply committed and devout Christian people on their knees before their Lord can appear to be being led to very different places, with very different views. Unless I am willing to un-church one person against another, unless I am to dismiss certain groups as being less faithful, less hopeful, less loving than others, I am compelled to believe that the word of God is being presented to me through the convictions of us all, no matter how confusing that may be, and how hard the true word and wisdom of the Lord may be to discern. However, if God is speaking to us, and through us, in such a differentiated way, it must in some way have something to say to us about the nature of the church we are called to be and how that nature is to be expressed in the legislation we pass to shape our common life in Christ."
Rather to throw each other out of our Churches we should do well to think through this... If indeed God is speaking to us, and through us, in such a differentiated way, it must in some way have something to say to us about the nature of the church we are called to be and how that nature is to be expressed in our common life.
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